Category: Humanity’s Future in Space

Fifty Years After the Moon Landing, Recalling One Small Misstep

Astronaut Buzz Aldrin poses for a photograph beside the U.S. flag on the moon during the Apollo 11 mission on July 20, 1969.

Why did the first humans to set foot off Planet Earth plant the flag of only part of Planet Earth?

Posted in Global Governance, Humanity's Future in Space

Space Travel: The Path to Human Immortality?

This appeared in the July 23, 2009 edition of AlterNet. Space exploration might just be the key to human beings surviving mass genocide, ecocide or omnicide. On December 31st, 1999, National Public Radio interviewed the futurist and science fiction genius

Posted in Humanity's Future in Space

Why Progressives Should Care About Human Destiny in Space

This appeared in the August 10, 2007 edition of, while a condensed version appeared in the Philadelphia Inquirer on August 8, 2007.   Barbara Morgan’s journey into the cosmos sheds light on the importance of the space program. Everybody

Posted in Humanity's Future in Space

Choosing a Flag That Unites

This essay appeared in the January 29, 2004 edition of the International Herald Tribune.   President Bush took a shot at establishing some legacy beyond a permanent war on terror when he delivered his space vision speech at NASA headquarters

Posted in Humanity's Future in Space

The Real Why — Futurist

This version of the essay appeared in the Sep/Oct 2003 edition of The Futurist.   Pioneer 10 is silent. The ancient vessel was the first spacecraft to fly by Jupiter in 1973. It was the first human artifact ever to

Posted in Humanity's Future in Space

Reaching for the Stars — And the Votes

This article appeared in the NYU/Global Beat Syndicate on July 7, 2003.   Next January a rare confluence of political and scientific events will offer a golden political opportunity for a Democratic presidential candidate looking to stand out from a

Posted in Humanity's Future in Space

The Real Why

This article appeared in USA Today on February 17, 2003. It’s time for the space program to stop going around in circles. It’s time to go somewhere again.   Georges Clemenceau, French Prime Minister during the First World War, reportedly

Posted in Humanity's Future in Space