Category: Abolishing Nuclear Weapons

Zero Would Be Nice: The only way to end endless Oppenheimers is to end the Forever Arms Race

The word “infinity” is frequently misused and abused. It is too often deployed simply to mean something vast, indefinite, or large beyond conception. But the idea of the infinite is another thing entirely. It is after all part of the lore

Posted in Abolishing Nuclear Weapons, Global Governance

For Oppenheimer, a World Government Was the Only Way to Save Us From Ourselves

Might something like a genuine world republic provide humanity with the tools to get a grip on existential perils like the climate emergency, runaway artificial intelligence, and new weapons of mass extermination? By Jane Shevtsov and Tad Daley Blink and

Posted in Abolishing Nuclear Weapons, Abolishing War, Global Governance

What If the Bomb Warning Text Message in Hawaii Hadn’t Been a False Alarm?

This article appeared on AlterNet on January 17, 2018. Did you even know, before last Saturday, that if the Button were pushed, the apocalypse was nigh and nuclear doom was enroute…that you would receive a text message first? Mudslides and

Posted in Abolishing Nuclear Weapons

For Iran, It’s Time to Take One Option Off the Table: The Nuclear Option

This version of the essay appeared on Huffington Post.   “All options are on the table,” said American Secretary of State John Kerry regarding Iran last week, in Jerusalem, after participating in the Holocaust Martyrs and Heroes Remembrance Day. “Iran

Posted in Abolishing Nuclear Weapons

The Case for a World Republic

This piece originally appeared in The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists Article Highlights Lawrence Wittner’s 2009 book, Confronting the Bomb: A Short History of the World Nuclear Disarmament Movement, has an overarching message that will surprise even nuclear policy experts, because

Posted in Abolishing Nuclear Weapons, Abolishing War

Thirty Years Ago Today, at the Nuclear Freeze Rally in Central Park, We Saved Ourselves From Ourselves

This article appeared in the Huffington Post. On June 12, 1982, 30 years ago today, perhaps as many as one million people gathered in New York City’s Central Park. They demanded the removal of the “nuclear sword of Damocles,” that

Posted in Abolishing Nuclear Weapons

Nuclear lesson from Libya: Don’t be like Qaddafi. Be like Kim.

This article appeared in the Christian Science Monitor. The US-NATO intervention and fall of Qaddafi in Libya sent this troubling message to the world: Get a nuclear weapon, and you can stick around. Give it up, and you’re gone. It’s

Posted in Abolishing Nuclear Weapons

Reagan the Nuclear Hawk

This article was published in The Huffington Post. As Ronald Reagan is lionized this month to commemorate the centennial of his birth, it ought to be recalled that Reagan’s presidency brought America and the world to the brink of infinite

Posted in Abolishing Nuclear Weapons

Ridding the World of Nuclear Weapons (video link)

LINK TO VIDEO: Ridding the World of Nuclear Weapons Presentation at The International Forum at International House.

Posted in Abolishing Nuclear Weapons, Apocalypse Never, Audio/Visual

All Options Still on the Table

This essay appeared in Huffington Post as well as other locations.   During the press conference at the Pentagon on Tuesday, April 6th announcing the Obama Administration’s new “Nuclear Posture Review” (NPR), Secretary of Defense Robert Gates momentarily brandished America’s

Posted in Abolishing Nuclear Weapons